friend of mine once referred to donny barley as "bill danforth's new school wet dream." not really sure how accurate that is (I'd probably opt for eric dressen) but it still makes me giggle a decade later.
gotta admit that, for whatever reason, I kinda slept-on this dude when he first started blowing up... can't explain it... but that classic attack-steez is undeniable.
"while it can be said that style has many different varieties, its finer forms never remain hidden for very long." -miles horovitz
You weren't into him after Eastern Exposure 3?! That part is amazing. Up there in the all-time best opening sections.
I always loved the map legend in the 'Skating Rocks' ad. 'losery idiots', 'puckered starfishes'. Ha ha. The glory days of Toy Machine.
i know dan, can't explain it.
its not like i disliked donny... i just kinda glossed over him at first because he was always in such strong videos. ee3 and welcome to hell are two of the all-time best.
His ee3 opener was so good. That whole video was amazing.
He had some footage and coverage here and there before ee3 but that part put him on the map.
I'd like to add that his EE3 song might be my favorite song to be used in a skate video. Ever.
ee3 and welcome are my two favorite videos ever. also the first two I ever bought. the last few posts have been bullshit good.
Loved his part in Welcome to Hell. I was sold the second he did that window-ride.
barley gets the vibe of skating rocks
I think Dan Wolfe´s dolly like shot of Donny slamming and chipping his tooth was one of the best shots in skateboard cinema. Especially considering it was shot in the mid 90´s.
Here´s a clip I did with Donny in 1997. Shot in Stockholm Sweden and some European contests.
Donny fucking ripped! Homeboy still skates right?
Am I the only one who thinks he should of been on a more "tough" company than Toy Machine? Don't bet me wrong TM was great but Donny always seemed more of a 151/Anti-Hero guy.
Glad to have had some insight from Mr. Horovitz.
I gotta go and check it again but as far as I remember his new Zoo York part was pretty fucking rad.
That shot with the Japanese girls is amazing, the kickflip wallride is dope!, switch smith is amazing.
His welcome to hell barley to switch barley or the other way around was sick along with that whole section and EE3.
I just enjoy watching him push, he has one of the best push's ever. Like Rowley says I like the tricks he chooses to do and they way he does em. Hes gnar! Sick post.
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