2011 Contents Page Sequences

Instead of the usual five, we animated the 10 sequences that graced our Contents pages in 2011.
Marquis Henry, switch back tail biggie? No wonder we’re still in print. Sequence: Blabac
Flat bar 50-50 kickflip drop? Gotta be The Sheckler. Sequence: McGuire
At the end of Skate Rock, I seen Justin take on five dudes in a bar—so you know he don’t fuck around. Three-flip three-set. Figgy forever. Sequence: Burnett
Lowell, Mass is a long way from SF’s Clipper, allowing Manny Santiago to man-up this nollie heel 50-50 on a sunny winter afternoon. Sequence: Zaslavsky
Poker-face Nick Merlino got $500 bucks for his switch heel down Wallenberg. This switch back three is worth at least $350. Sequence: Burnett
Weird shit? This gap to wallride is all Fritz Mead needs to get off. Sequence: Xeno
Following the trippy-hubba-trick trend started recently by James Hardy, Taylor Bingaman swings a frontside 180 to fakie 5-0 at Rincon Sequence: Rhino
Photos of Dennis Busenitz are like photos of Sasquatch. Even when you see one, you can barely believe your eyes. Step-up kickflip tailslide revert in Copenhagen. Sequence: Burnett
Heath Kirchart changed skating forever. No hands backside 360 in Nowhere, Colorado. Sequence: Hammeke
Grant Taylor knows there’s no such thing as too much grind. Backside 50-50, rail to curb. Sequence: Burnett
Five Sequences: April 22, 2011
Joe Hammeke has this week's 'five' with Ben Raemers, Shaun Gregoire, Jonathan Pierce, Rayce Davis, and Jonrob Moore. -
Five Sequences: April 15, 2011
This week's 'five' are of Wes Kremer, Tom Remillard, Grant Taylor, Shawn Hale, and David Gravette. -
Five Sequences: April 8, 2011
Garric Ray brings you this week's 'five' with Sebo Walker, Matt Hanson, Tyson Reynolds, Mikey Burton, and Elliot Murphy. -
Five Sequences: April 1, 2011
Rhino brings you this week's 'five' with Josh Borden, Wes Kremer, Kevin Kowalski, Taylor Smith, and Sean Conover. -
Five Sequences: March 25, 2011
Hammeke has five left over sequences from his search for Muska with the Zero team.